PSP ad REALLY Offensive
We've seen the PSP ads that've told us to jump infront of trains and snap upskirt shots, but this one really crosses the line. I don't know what they were thinking when they came up with this, but I'm sure the board meeting went a little something like this:
"What if, and I might be talking crazy here, but what if we had an angry anorexic white chick choking a poor black guy?", pipes in one of the Sony ad execs.
"Genius, white play, white power, we promote both our causes!", exclaims the head of marketing. "Kaz'll be pleased! Now everyone don your white hoods and join me in our chant!"
"Riiiiiiidddggggeeee Raaaaacccceeeerrr!", they chant for hours before heading off to the 3:00 lynching.
Speaking of making fun of Fat people:
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